
Saturday, May 22, 2010

2007-01-01: Blog from the Present!! January 1!!!

So, you hang around a website for the better part of a year, not quite sure what it's all about but enjoying the people and digging the discussions. You order a book that arrives in October and then wait patiently for the day, this day to arrive so you can fully jump in and join with the fun after having a blast at trial tasking through the OCD wet dream known as "Live Week". You pluck the book that's been staring at you since the day you got it off the shelf, crack it open to see the task and discover that it is completely irrelevant to you.

I don't own a passport. I will not be participating this week. I thought about sending in the diary itself, as a symbolic gesture that it is my "Passport to Life Change", but that's just sort of desperate isn't it? Even if I did have a passport, it's still not much of a task for the week. Mailing a passport takes what, an hour maybe if your really lazy about it? Continuing the holidays by Wassailing or carolling through out the neighbourhood would of been better, and much more annoying on the public who are probably as sick to death of the holidays as I am.

I'm not giving up hope though. I fully expect Benrik to change my life in 2007. I paid for the book after all, I want my moneys worth. Expect more effort in the future.

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