
Thursday, May 20, 2010

2006-10-26 - Blog From The Future

Wow, what a crazy end of 2006 huh? Zombie attacks?? Who would of thought it way back in October?

A bit of history. I've been slumming around the site for about 8 months, not tasking, hell, not doing anything but playing games, running up a post count into the 3K's, much to the resentment of about 95% of the membership. What can I say? I fell in love with the place! So, I ordered the 2007 diary and it arrived the week of October 23, 2006, which happened to fall in "LIVE WEEK". I decided to participate in Live week the best I could as a trial run to now, and since BENRIK seems to like to have taskers keep track of their tasking online, I figured I'd keep a run down of my "Live Week" tasks for historical purpose.

Here we go!
1. Take Caffien Pills
I had no pills, so I drank a pot of strong coffee in 10 minutes.

2. Call A Stranger Collect
tried doing 3 random collect calls to Saskatcharoonie. No one would accept though.

3. Write a letter of complaint to a newspaper

My email of complaint:
Russell Grant
to mailbag Edmonton Sun
Dear Sirs/madams,
In reading this article, it became dreadfully apparant to me that you clearly are mistaken in the case of nurses being drawn away from patient care for high profile jobs in the fast food sector. The font of the article as displayed on your website appears to be the traditional "Times New Roman", when clearly a Verdana font would be more applicable to the case at hand. I would hope that in the future when reporting on such important issues as this, you would take this into consideration instead of cheapining the positions of both parties with such a miss-treatment of fonts.
Russell B. Grant Esq.

4. Expose your nipple to a member of the same sex
I exposed mine to my boss while doing a sexy window dance. did I mention he was on the phone talking to the president of the company?

5. whistle while you work.
Whistled a constant in-ward/out-ward monotone for about 50minutes straight. Sore lips, watery eyes and punched shoulder resulted.

6. make your will, name benrik.
Done, but kind of dull (funeral details got chopped off a bit, they started out "head removed and stuffed with garlic, torso laid face down and staked to coffin so as not to be risen as a zombie." In hindsight with the events of Nov 25, 2006, I was pretty damned psychic with that one!):
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
7. "Leave Your Partner"
I was real world single, so I had to dump my Benrik lover Libertine.

8. Make up With Your Partner"
Libertine Baby! I was stupid, I should of skipped the task! Please take me back!!!

9. Take an hour long vow of silence
Failed, lasted maybe 10 minutes before I started singing to myself.

10. Have a panic attack
I'm not the panicky type so I had a shit fit. Fired off a pissed off email to head office and left a voice message on my managers phone asking him to fire me. He didn't fire me.

11. Post unflatering pic of yourself
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
12. Look out for evidence of angel behaviour
Watched Angel at lunch, task solved.

13. Ask a close friend for a kidney
I seem to have pissed off my closest friend. It should be interesting to see what his response is to my email query. (He said YES!!) [bites fist]

14. Throw something out the window
No windows that I can open at work, so I chucked a cardboard tube across the back alley at the "Tae Kwon Do" school across the way from the bay door. It might set up a future "get in a ninja fight" task if one should arise.

15. Don't answer the phone for an hour
The best task ever, I refused all phone calls and just let it ring, at work.

That's all I recall at this point, too much wine from New Years. As I remember more in the future I'll update this page.

Remember to keep your Zombie sticker sharp!

1 comment:

  1. From my "Benrikland" cult tasking blog. The site seems to be dying, and I'm obsessive and self important so I'm copying them all here to archive them and keep them looking pretty.
