
Monday, June 27, 2011

The Broken Record

So I just wrote a fan email. Yup. That's were I am in my life, a year or so after my last "Broken Record" update. It's sad times folks, sad, sad times. Usually there is a 1001 Albums or Arnold post happening around now. I'm completely behind on writing them. I just finished up a week of holidays, and most of the holiday was spent doing things other then being on a computer. I'm on a computer all day at work, it's a break to do other things. Usually "other things" would be terribly exciting, but I basically lie around eating and watching TV, playing vid games, sleeping in, sleeping for no reason, and going on mini-ventures mostly on my own. It's weird, since passing the age of 35, I'm more and more content to be on my own, and do things by myself. It's really depressing to think about so I try not too. You'd think going to things like comedy shows would be a great place to meet people, but not for me. I just bolt the hell out of there as soon as it's over. Hell, I had some pub time prior to a show Thursday night. I was sitting at the bar, enjoying a pint. I girl sat a few seats down and gave me a very warm smile. My reaction? "Uuuggggh". I actually verbalized it! What the fuck? So yeah, I'm so far into my head it's ridiculous. So here are my current "personal" updates, as per my last blog.

EXERCISE: That 100 push-up challenge mentioned in the last broken record? I did it for 2 days and promptly dropped it for Rock Band. It was ridiculous. I have as of May started a new workout that is a tight 20 minutes and features the kettle bells. I call it my "Hopeless Workout" since it's 4 yoga things and a kettle bell swing. It does work though. It would work fantastic if I restricted my eating more and made it a point to do the work out regularly instead of "whenever", but it works none the less. At least it did until birthday week with 3 cakes to be eaten...

VIDEO GAMES: Rock Band 3 came out and it's a bit of a fizzle. I still play regularly. L.A. Noire however is causing me to lose sleep! It's the PERFECT game for me- a game about a tough ass L.A. detective solving cases. I'm crazy hooked on it, to the point were I'm already looking forward to replaying it. A really great game, it gets a recommend.

HATING THE CURRENT GENERATION AND CULTURE: I've officially reached that age, I hate the current high school generation and our current culture. I don't mind how they dress or the music. I hate their entitlement. It seems that culturally things have completely shifted to a point where everyone sees themselves as victims and special, and therefor they are entitled to be assholes for no reason. The amount of people I see on a daily bases being rude and snarky for absolutely no reason, it's sickening. It's not helping me get out of my head and be a gregarious person, that's for sure. I also recognize myself falling into this trap, and it kills me. I'm working every day to not do this, but it's really fucking hard when you're confronted by it.

I don't know, that's about it. I'm looking for suggestions on beginners cook books. I want to teach myself how to cook properly. I'm thinking of attempting a meal a day. If you lived under my current conditions, you would realize what a huge pain in the ass this is going to be. Anyways, if anyone has a favourite book they'd care to recommend that is pretty idiot proof for idiots to use, I'd appreciate it. The cooking isle of the bookstore I went through was daunting.

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